
Friday, September 7, 2012

My First Post!

When thinking of a title for my blog, the first thing that popped in my mind was, "My First Blog". I know that this title is very cliche and unoriginal, however, I believe it accurately describes me and my blog because it is in fact my very first blog. I wanted a simple template because I wanted my blog easy to navigate and I find that I am a very simple and ordinary person myself. I love the color teal so I chose that as my theme of color. Teal is a really pretty color that I find everyone enjoys. To add some school spirit, I uploaded a picture I took of Old Main. I think that this picture shows my artsy side because I edited this picture on an iPhone photo sharing app called Instagram - which I am obsessed with. I have several different fonts on my blog because I think it adds excitement and makes it less boring. I love to play around with fonts no matter what I am doing so this definitely reflects my personality. The fonts I chose are pretty girly, which shows my girly side. As I learn more about blogging I'll definitely keep updating my blog but for now, I am proud to say this is "My First Blog"!

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